Candifa, Canterbury and District Interfaith Action is a local interfaith group affiliated to a national body, The InterFaith Network for the UK. The InterFaith Network, which was established in 1987, has the following Vision:
Our vision is of a society where there is understanding of the diversity and richness of the faith communities in the UK and the contribution that they make, and where we live and work together with mutual respect and shared commitment to the common good.
Candifa supports this Vision and seeks to advance public knowledge and mutual understanding of the teachings, traditions and practices of different faith and belief communities and promote good relations between persons of different faiths and beliefs in the Canterbury area.
Membership of Candifa is open to interested individuals and to faith and belief communities. On membership, you become a ‘Friend of Candifa’ and are invited to the AGM (usually held in early March) and throughout the year are alerted to interfaith events in and around the Canterbury area. Our regular monthly event is an evening of Readings and Music from World Faiths and Cultures held in the Friends Meeting House in Canterbury, and further events focus on the national Interfaith Week in November. . To see some of our past events, go to the GALLERY
The subscription is £5.00 for an individual and £25.00 for a local church or faith community. The membership subscriptions are used to promote and support interfaith related activities, including our affiliation to the national organization, the InterFaith Network of the UK.
A smaller group, Candifa Council, which consists of representatives from faith and belief communities, meets monthly and is directly engaged in planning events. To see the current membership of the Council, go to WHO’S WHO
To become a ‘Friend of CANDIFA’, please, fill the form below introducing yourself and your address and further contact details.
Please note ‘Friend of Candifa’ will be advised to send a cheque for £5.00 made payable to Candifa. We shall send you further details once your request is accepted.